The Company


Typharm Group is a fast-growing life sciences group of family companies based in the UK, delivering efficacy, innovation, safety, and quality of life to patients, healthcare professionals and providers.

Patient safety and helping health care professionals provide the very best care, is at the heart of the company’s operating hub. Typharm Group provides a broad range of life sciences services including:

  • Producing and manufacturing a range of prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines.
  • Packaging medications for other companies.
  • Facilitating the import and export of specialist medicines.

Typharm Group – a group of family companies since 1979

Best in class

We have more than 40 years of experience in the pharmaceutical business at Typharm and are led by practicing pharmacist and Managing Director, Chandra Ondhia.

Our Group of Family Companies incorporate four separate life science businesses including:

Typharm Limited: a pharmaceutical manufacturing company which makes a range of prescription and OTC medicines with a focus on dermatology, including wound care, digestive health (gastrointestinal), as well as a range of vitamin E preparations

Amdeepcha Limited: a pharmaceutical manufacturing company which has a mixed portfolio of products focusing on pain and fever, inflammation, respiratory health, and prostate cancer

Loyal Pharmacy Ltd: a group of community pharmacies in Norfolk and Suffolk

Packpharm Limited: an MHRA accredited site delivering a full-service of medicine packaging manufacturing solutions using the latest equipment to provide scale. We pack prescription only pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements and over the counter medicines as needed. The facilities management site provides the highest safety and quality standards, meeting all regulations.

Today our company group is a global business that serves all UK markets and exports products to the European Union (EU), the Middle East, Asia, and the Caribbean.

Each year Typharm invests to research and develop healthcare solutions and products to help improve patients’ quality of life, while serving healthcare professionals.

Typharm Group holds a portfolio of MHRA approved licences that allow for the import and supply of specialist medicines. As a result, Typharm can provide MHRA approved medicine partnership licensing solutions for businesses requiring this pharmaceutical MHRA approved service.

  • Typharm and Amdeepcha – MHRA approved product license holders
  • Typharm – WDA (h) and controlled drugs license (Home Office)
  • Packpharm – MIA, MS licenses WDA (h) and controlled drugs license (Home Office)


Jargon buster:

WDA (h) – Wholesaler Dealer Authorisation
MIA – Manufacturer Import Authorisation
MS – Manufacturer Specials License

Our Mission is Clear

Our goal is improving patient outcomes through the provision of the very best life science solutions and innovation. Safety and efficacy are at the core of our business and embedded in everything we do.

Underpinning our objectives is our long-standing experience in the pharmaceutical business – from manufacturing to community pharmacy and engagement with clinicians and patient organisations. This ensures that we meet patient needs and challenges both now and into the future.

Our current product range includes:


Prescription Only Medicines

  1. Carbocisteine Syrup
  2. Diclofenac Gel
  3. Fludroxycortide Range – Tape and Cream
  4. Nystaform Range – Cream, HC Ointment and HC Cream
  5. Staladex (Leuprorelin implant)

Over The Counter Medicines

  1. Docusate Sodium Range – Adult and Paediatric Solutions
  2. Docusol® Paediatric Solution
  3. Paracetamol Suppositories – 4 X Strengths
  4. Vita-E Range – 5 X Capsule Concentrations